Project „Landscape in a Mirror“

When I started this project I had two things in my head. First of all there was the question what makes the special character of a landscape? And why everybody likes to look at all kinds of photographs of all this special landscapes? Millions of pictures are spread around the world.

All this picture show only a small cutout of a scenery. Nobody thinks about what was beside, behind or above the photographer who has taken the picture.

So I used a real mirror to show what is behind the scenery – how people use the landscape or how people change the landscape. But also to see the opposite of a small cutout of scenery.

 “Landscapes reflect the living synthesis of people and place vital to local and national identity. Landscapes, their character and quality, help define the self-image of a region, its sense of place that differentiates it from other regions. It is the dynamic backdrop to people’s lives.”

Definition of a Mirror:

1. A surface capable of reflecting sufficient undiffused light to form an image of an object placed in front of it. Also called looking glass.

2. Something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of something else.

3. Something worthy of imitation 


Leonardo da Vinci called the mirror the "master of painters". He recommended, "When you wish to see whether your whole picture accords with what you have portrayed from nature take a mirror and reflect the actual object in it. Compare what is reflected with your painting and carefully consider whether both likenesses of the subject correspond, particularly in regard to the mirror."